Let's Go Shopping

Nothing can make a girl's eye sparkle then her hubster saying "Lets go shopping....and I have a 50%off coupon!" Oh yeah I am in ~ me doing the happy dance ~

 Hummm............... this is not really what I had in mind!
To look for parts for his truck, PC had a grand idea that he would "loot"the cars....he was convinced they would be full of money.
Yeah sure people are striping the cars and trucks for parts,  doors, seats, headliners, seat belts but they would leave the huge wad of cash there in the glove box! I am a little worried PC may turn into a Fred Sanford he was rummaging through the cars looking for treasures, coming up with mystery keys, checking wallets for lost money, checkbooks, baby toys, and shoes! That's when I started looking for a pair of black heels for a project I have in my head! While looking in one mini van we found about 4 pairs of shoes, sadly none matched! Well the hubster had his wheel barrow full of his treasures, PC tossed in his stack of mystery keys and on the way out I heard a familiar voice say " Hey, you haven fun yet?". Are you kidden me ~ oh all places to see someone I work with ......at the Junkyard? I am sure he will have great fun with that one!!

And today our family fun will continue, we are going kayaking. we have never been before, but yet again we have a coupon and it expires today!  So this should be very interesting............lets hope we all make it back from our family outing! I am sure PC is enjoying being grounded all this family togetherness! Insert evil laugh here!


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