Who's Your Daddy??

"Who's your babies Daddy"?? Well that is the question these days.... And I am referring to my baby Jack and not PC!! So we know that Jack is a "Border Collie Mix" but what is he mixed with?? We have heard it all from Lab, Terrier, Pointer Dog, Dalmatian oh and my personal favorite St. Friggen Bernard..... THAT seems to be the favorite comparison people have!! Are they nuts??? They poop things bigger than Jack out on a daily basis so here's hoping its not St. friggen Bernard!!! Hummmm so who do you think Jack's Daddy could be?? I am thinking he looks like the "Pointer Dog" and he even does that pointy thing with his tail.....when he is chasing everything that runs.... really they all start to look alike after awhile don't they??

Back in the day it really wouldn't matter what Jack was mixed with, he'd just be a " Border Collie Mix" a.k.a. " Mutt" and that would be that.....but now a days people just wanna know ..... and can you believe they offer DNA testing for DOGS!!! WTH?? Are you kidding me??? DNA testing for a dog?? Do you really need to know that bad??? Well apparently if I do there are several options ranging from $30 - 150.00 and I'd learn Jack's heritage maybe even who his grand pups were! 
Would it be reliable? From reading various reviews I'd say no, and do I really need to know? Nope I don't! I could buy to many pairs of shoes for the cost of a DNA test for my pup!!! OR I could pick up something for my little Jack - yep I am quickly becoming one of "those people" ...... I can't resist picking up a new bandana, bone or a squeaky toy....after all he is the one who is happy to see me every time I enter the room whether I am gone for 10 seconds or 8 hours! That tail wag just melts your heart!!!

So far the genius four legged baby has been to 2 puppy training classes and has master the art of "Sitting" ...especially sitting in front of the dog trainer with the treat cup hooked to her hip... so "Sitting" and "Barking" at her to give him a treat because HELLO.... he is sitting!!!! So we are working on "Watch Me" ... yea he is watching you all right, watching to make sure you get that friggen treat out fast or we will start "Barking"!!! But he is learning... he has learned which door is to the pantry at home and hey... isn't that where we keep his treats??? Why yes it is... just look at that tail go!!!

We also have learned "Leave it" hummm we have yet to master that as I was pulling a FLAT DEAD crunchy TOAD out of his mouth this morning!!! EWWWW I'd rather go back to crunchy worms!!! Yuck!!
I know all I need to know about Jack, he is here to stay.....even if he's riding the short bus in puppy training class!!!

ALSO hoping that Jack is in NO relation to a NEWFOUNDLAND DOG!!! I may need to get that DNA testing after all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh too funny! I too think those DNA tests are ridiculous. I don't think cute little Jack had Newfoundland in him :) They are adorable when they are excited to see you even when you were only in the garage for 5mins without them :) I hope Jack gets adorned with a snazzy Christmas bandanna!
