Going on the Record

Incase you are wondering NO I did not make it to You Tube as "Crazy Mama at Camp" well not that I have seen or heard about at least! So we will go with that, I think I'd rather NOT know! The past several weeks have flown by, we had graduation of Technology Camp where I believe Prince Charming averaged 3-4 days per week for 10 weeks... AMAZING ...much better than our last summer with the count of 8 whole days attended in 10 weeks!!! So I will go on the record and say it's official folks we are making progress!! In more ways than one....

We also had open house for school, he will attend the private school again as he thrived in that environment. At open house  Prince Charming went racing around to each class like a speeding bullet and was done and ready to go in like 5 minutes (seriously cant you do that when I'm in a friggen hurry)!!! The hubster and I had to wrangle the super secret class schedule away from PC so we could actually go and meet his teachers, see what classes he was taking and well...give any needed warning to any new teachers he may have!! I was told by several of the teachers how smart, brilliant and amazing that PC is......well one of the teacher also added in that he was such a smart young man, that he has had the most intellectual conversations with him (most days I am friggen clueless on what he is talking about... don't even get him started on Science), and that his mind is absolutely amazing!! But ~ (really??? there is always a but now isn't there... )  that he is LAZY!!! Hubster and I had to laugh at that one... because we already know that!! All in all it was a great start to a new fresh year! Well with the exception that he doesn't want to take PE which luckily is the last class of the day for him ...so suck it up......not lucky for the Hubster who gets the daily text to pick him up early .....as in before PE starts!!! But luckily for the Hubster he has NOT picked him up early!!! (Well not that I know of but have no doubt you will read all about here ... if HE does pick him EARLY ...to skip PE) HINT HINT HINT Hubster - that is my subtle CLUE not to do that!!!

 PC has decided he may have to be "more anti-social " than he already is... (seriously?? would that even be possible) but he thinks its for the best because he really wants to focus on school and making straight A's this year. He came pretty damn close last year, that's for sure 5 A's 2 B's!! I have no doubt the boy can accomplish anything he puts his mind to....well as long as it's his idea! Another great start to our year ~ uniforms (and not brown shirts)  ... he is in uniform code shirts, it was not an easy find, but I did find  "non itchy, soft, comfy" polo shirts. Like I said I am going on record to say we are making progress!! And while I am at it I will knock on some wood!!!

I stumbled over an email address for my girl  Slacker  in NC the other day, so of course dropping her a line was much fun-ner than actually working and doing what I was suppose to be doing!!It came to me, when I went to tell her how PC was doing  my usual line PC's well PC... (you know...same old same old) but than I thought about the past few months, few weeks, few days and I came to the conclusion that actually he is doing really good (not everyday but lately).

Yes, yes of course he is still an ASS but seriously who isn't an ass most days in this world?? I know I sure am (pretty sure you wont get any arguments there), and yep the Hubster sure is ( but that's a male thing I think...he may argue this one) So the way I see it is.... after 12 years of holding the title "The Worlds Most Bullheaded Child" ( okay okay ...maybe not 12 whole years  maybe 11.5) its our turn to have that perfect child... hahaha........ okay I will settle for the funny, smart-ass, sarcastic, hysterical, anti social brilliant young man  I have now....quirks and all (minus the brown freaken shirt)! It really makes you appreciate your own child when you
are reading about all the horrible things that other kids his age are doing these days ~ shooting each other, destroying property over a cup of noodles, killing someone for fun ~ WTF is that all about???

I may not be winning "Mother of the Year" award anytime soon - but I'd say that the Hubster and I have done a damn fine job when you look at the big picture! And we truly do have one amazing young man...even if he is LAZY!

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